9 Reasons to Shift to Cloud-hosted Telephony System

Communication fuels a business right from its start until it gets well-established. Without a solid communication system, the business slows and can collapse. Fortunately, technology has introduced a cloud-hosted telephony solution.

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What is a cloud-hosted telephony solution?

Cloud-based phone systems are virtual phone systems that are hosted in the cloud and accessible from anywhere with an internet connection. Cloud phone systems use Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) technology to make and receive calls, and all the call routing, management, and storage are handled by the service provider.

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PC Docs is a managed service provider in London offering the best IT support to its clients for 17 years. The well-experienced professionals even offer effective remote work solutions, install cloud telephone systems, and more.

9 reasons to shift to a cloud-hosted telephony system

Image Credit: https://www.istockphoto.com/vector/cloud-network-symbol-xxxl-gm480276244-68843719
  1. Scalability: Cloud telephony systems allow businesses to scale their operations easily and quickly, without having to worry about hardware and infrastructure limitations.
  2. Cost-effectiveness: Cloud telephony systems can help reduce costs by eliminating the need for expensive hardware, maintenance, and upgrades. It is a pay-as-you-need model. Pay for initial installation and the monthly charges can be categorized under operational costs. You are not stuck with lengthy contracts but with a flexible model.
  3. Flexibility: With a cloud telephony system, businesses can access their telephony services from anywhere, at any time, using any device, making it ideal for remote and flexible working arrangements. Another way, the system offers flexibility is you can decrease or increase consumption to fulfil specific business needs.
  4. Reliability: Cloud telephony providers invest heavily in ensuring their systems are highly reliable, with built-in redundancy and failover mechanisms to ensure that calls are never lost.
  5. Advanced Features: Cloud telephony systems typically offer advanced features such as IVR (Interactive Voice Response), call routing, call recording, call reporting and analytics, and more, all of which can be easily configured and customized to meet specific business needs.
  6. Easy Integration: Cloud telephony systems can be easily integrated with other business systems and applications, such as CRMs, helpdesk systems, and productivity tools, to streamline operations and improve productivity.
  7. Mobility: With a cloud telephony system, employees can make and receive calls from anywhere, using any device, enabling them to be more responsive to customers and clients, even when they are out of the office.
  8. Improved Customer Experience: Cloud telephony systems can help improve the customer experience by providing call routing and queue management options, enabling businesses to route calls to the most appropriate agent, and reducing wait times for customers.
  9. Disaster Recovery: Cloud telephony systems provide businesses with peace of mind by ensuring that calls can be redirected to alternative locations or devices in the event of a disaster or system failure, reducing downtime and minimizing the impact on customers.

Cloud-hosted telephony solution also has their drawbacks as it depends on internet connection and in case your region has spotty internet service then this solution may not be appropriate for your company. Besides, third parties handle cloud service, so there are chances of cyber-attacks but ensure to choose a reliable cloud system provider with exceptional security practices for data protection.

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