Helpful Tips to Enhance Digital Employee Experience for Increasing Your Business Productivity

Digital employee experience [DEX] refers to the interactions and engagement that employees have with digital technologies and systems in their remote work environment. This includes things like access to email and messaging systems, company intranet, HR portals, and other digital tools that are used to support communication, collaboration, and job performance. It also includes how employees feel about and perceive these systems, such as ease of use, speed, and overall satisfaction.


What makes the DEX Different?

Your Business Productivity
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Digital Employee Experience is different from the traditional employee experience in several ways.

  • One key difference is the use of technology to enhance communication, collaboration, and productivity. This includes the use of digital tools such as messaging platforms, video conferencing, and project management software.
  • DEX often involves a greater degree of flexibility and autonomy. The employees can work from anywhere around the globe and on their schedule.
  • Communication is a challenge amongst virtual employees.

Helpful tips to enhance DEX and increase business productivity

Ensure digital employees have everything necessary to succeed

  1. Provide clear communication: Virtual employees should have access to clear and timely communication channels, such as email, instant messaging, and video conferencing, to stay connected with their colleagues and supervisors.
  2. Set clear expectations: Virtual employees should have a clear understanding of their roles, responsibilities, and expectations. This includes setting measurable goals, providing regular feedback, and establishing performance metrics.
  3. Provide necessary tools and resources: Virtual employees should have access to the necessary tools and resources to perform their job effectively. This includes software, hardware, and other equipment.
  4. Foster a sense of community: Virtual employees may feel isolated and disconnected from their colleagues. Regular team meetings and virtual social events can help create a sense of community and foster a positive work environment.
  5. Encourage work-life balance: Virtual employees may be more prone to working longer hours due to the flexibility of working from home. Encourage work-life balance by setting clear boundaries between work and personal time.
  6. Provide training and development opportunities: Virtual employees should have access to training and development opportunities to help them improve their skills and advance in their careers.

When working with remote employees, it is important to be clear about meeting times and expectations.

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Be clear and flexible about meeting times
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This can include:

  1. Set a specific time for meetings, ensure that all participants are aware of the time, and have it on their calendars.
  2. Use a video conferencing tool to facilitate face-to-face communication and help build a sense of connection among remote team members.
  3. Establish a clear agenda for each meeting and share it in advance with all the participants.
  4. Encourage participation and engagement during meetings with space for questions and discussion.
  5. Follow-up on decisions made during the meeting ensures they are implemented promptly.

It is also important to be flexible and understanding of potential time zone differences and other scheduling challenges that may arise with remote team members.

Understand how to communicate outside meetings

Email, instant messaging, video conferencing, project management software and phone calls are some good ways to communicate outside meetings. However, it is important to establish clear communication guidelines and expectations with remote employees, such as expected response times and availability during certain hours.

Update employee handbook policies and monitor them often

  1. Clearly communicate the new policies to all digital employees.
  2. Regularly review and evaluate the policies and make changes as necessary to ensure that they continue to meet the needs of the organization and its digital employees.
  3. Continuously monitor the digital team’s well-being and engagement and take necessary steps to support them.

Remote employees will even adore coming together and knowing the team. Host retreats often to create a bond, which will help them work as a team.

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