What Is The Best Way To Choose The Platelet Rich Plasma Kit?

There has always been a debate amongst the researchers on the process of using the PRP kit i.e. the Platelet Rich Plasma kit. This has been in the research for almost a decade now. To help you get out of this debate, we are here to help you to choose the right PRP kit.

Platelet Rich Plasma Kit

When it comes to using a PRP kit, it is not as simple as drawing blood in a test tube and putting it into a centrifuge, and claiming it to be PRP. This will surely be ineffective. This is called a “bloody PRP” that has around 1.5x of the number of blood platelets. However, apart from that, it will also have around tons of red and white blood cells. In turn, here it might cause flare-ups after the injection due to the ineffectiveness.

So, when you use a kit, the concentration of platelets should be around 5 to 7 times that of the baseline.

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What is a good PRP kit?

The concentration of 5-7 times is very important for the PRP to work. But using a kit will help you choose whether you want to have those red and white blood cells in that sample. For example, Leukocyte-poor PRP is used for Leukocyte and osteoarthritis Rich PRP is useful for tendinopathy applications.

If you are looking to buy these PRP tubes, then you can check Dr. Renat Akhmerov’s website on Plasmolifting Technologies. This is an innovative healthcare company located in Berlin.

PRP kit

How do you understand the differences in the kits?

  • Gel Separators: These are just like some test tubes having gels at the bottom. This gel helps to separate the platelets from the blood through the osmosis process. The only problem here is that when the test tube is in the centrifuge process, most of the platelets will be trapped in the gel. Thus, you will be remaining with around 1.5 times the concentration of platelets only, but separates the white and red blood cells from it.
  • Buffy Coat: This kit will let you have a concentration of about 5-7 times. A buffy coat is a thin layer that separates the blood and the plasma. Here in the centrifuge, you will see platelets and WBC along with the plasma on the top and the blood at the ground. After this, you will just have to separate the buffy coats from the RBC and the end product would be having less than 10% of RBC.
  • Buffy Coat and a Double Spin: This is the best kit to separate the RBC from the PRP. After this, you can just spin it over and get rid of all the RBCs to get a good concentration of PRP.

What is a Biosafe kit?

This is one of the best kits in the market. This is because it will give you full control over the end product that you want. Here you can end up with the 10cc of the good end product that can be further double spun to get 5-7 times concentration.

You will still find many skeptical to use PRP but it all depends on you what you believe and see.

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