Aircon Overhaul Vs Aircon Chemical Cleaning – What Works the Best for You

Aircon Overhaul Vs Aircon Chemical Cleaning

Everything needs regular and proper maintenance for them to work successfully for many years. The same goes for the air conditioner units as well. Studies have shown that the air conditioners that are maintained regularly with proper servicing can work for more years than their actual life expectancy.

Aircon chemical wash is one of the most preferred ways of aircon maintenance. You can get your AC serviced properly with the help of 7Days Aircon Servicing. They are the reputed aircon maintenance facilities in Singapore and can guarantee excellent services for customers. You can visit their website to learn more about the aircon chemical wash price


Types of Aircon Maintenance

Here are the two most preferred ways of aircon servicing.

1.    Aircon Chemical Cleaning

Aircon Chemical Cleaning 

Aircon chemical cleaning is a procedure where every part of an AC is thoroughly cleaned. The solution that is used in this case is chemical and air filters, coils, water, trays, etc., and every other part of an aircon will be cleaned and washed. The solution can remove the built-up mold and the accumulation of harmful bacteria inside the aircon unit.

It is suggested to go with the idea of aircon chemical washing at least twice a year to increase the lifespan of the units that are present inside the air conditioner unit. The indoor air quality and also the life span of your AC will be maintained at their best by following this process.

2.    Aircon Overhaul

Aircon Overhaul 

This method is used for the repairs and also servicing of the air conditioners. The bad condition of an air conditioner unit will be brought to your notice through loud or strange noise, improper cooling, water leaking, and so on. If you feel like your aircon has stopped working, then it is understood that it is time for an aircon overhaul.

The whole aircon unit will be dismantled to check every unit individually. The actual goal here is to check the working condition of all the units inside an aircon and to clean or replace any unit according to the working condition. Any AC servicing company in Singapore will let you know whether your aircon unit needs any repair or replacement accordingly.

See also  The Tools that can ease the task of Cleaning

Aircon Overhaul handles the works such as, 

  • The removal of gunk or toxic build-up inside the aircon unit to remove the blockages
  • Handling the damaged and faulty air filters
  • Taking care of the blockages in the drainpipe from where the water flows
  • Taking care of the fan bearings so that they can work properly
  • Handling the dust accumulation and also the damaged replacement in the evaporator coils, and so on

Aircon Overhaul handles the works

After learning about both the aircon cleaning methods, you will notice that both these procedures are ideal for aircon maintenance. Both the options will handle every unit in the AC and will clean or replace them accordingly. Even though the procedure might be different, the goal of both options is to make sure that the lifespan of your AC is extended to a few more years than their actual expectancy.

If you are not sure about how to proceed further, then you can take the help of any aircon servicing company in Singapore. The experts will guide you accordingly.

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