What Attracts Mosquitoes to your Yard?

Whether it is inside your house or in your yard, mosquitoes can be a nuisance. Besides, they can cause various deadly diseases. Their bites would be itchy. If you ignore the mosquitoes in your house, they multiply in number very quickly.

Image Credit: https://www.istockphoto.com/photo/young-man-house-entering-exiting-outdoor-spring-garden-with-plant-flowers-covering-gm1162599719-318953842?

It can be quite surprising to hear this, but mosquitoes can lay around 100 eggs at one time. Mosquitoes can cause Zika, dengue, malaria, and many other health problems.

We can find multiple products on the market to get rid of the mosquitoes such as sprays, coils, etc. But the question here is, do they provide a long-term solution to your problem? The majority of the products that you see on market can be quick but do not show a long-term solution to your problem.

For a quick fix to this problem, you must contact a good pest control service provider in your location.

Take a look at the ratings of various pest control service providers in your location, before you hire them. Here is a suggestion for you to save time. Try the services of pest control in Surprise AZ, if you are in search of safe, affordable, and effective pest control services. This pest control company uses only safe products for removing the pests from your yard and house.

Inhaling certain kinds of chemicals can cause serious health problems. Hence, it is essential to choose a service provider that uses safe products and advanced equipment for pest removal.

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Read on to know about the things that can attract mosquitoes to your yard.

Mosquitoes Iamge
Image Credit: https://www.istockphoto.com/photo/worker-using-sprayer-for-organic-pesticide-distribution-in-fruit-orchard-gm870887116-243308490?
  • During summer, mosquitoes hide in the grass to protect themselves from the hot climate. Another reason why they hide in the grass is to protect themselves from the wind. If you don’t maintain your lawn well, you are giving an opportunity for the mosquitoes to breed. If you observe overgrown grass, mow it immediately. The shorter the grass and the cleaner your lawn, there will be less room for mosquitoes to hide.
  • Clear the debris and leaf waste from your lawn regularly, as this can attract mosquitoes.
  • If you have standing water in your yard, you will observe so many mosquitoes in the surroundings. To breed, mosquitoes require water. Hence, it is very important to take care of this to prevent mosquitoes in your yard and home.
  • Do not leave any open trash cans open in your yard and home.
  • Certain types of plants attract mosquitoes. They include water lilies, taro, bamboo, etc.
  • If you leave the bathing tub or children’s pool undrained, mosquitoes might get attracted to them.
  • Many people leave the water bowls of their pets open in their yards. If you do this, understand that you are giving a chance for the mosquitoes to breed.
  • It is also important to remove old tires from your yard. When watering the plants and when it rains, these old tires can retain water. This water can attract mosquitoes to your yard, which slowly enter into your house.
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Image Credit: https://www.istockphoto.com/photo/weed-killer-herbicide-glyphosate-spraying-in-the-garden-gm1359164080-432585178?

Be it your house or yard, everything needs to be maintained clean if you want to prevent mosquitoes.

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