Wallpaper vs. Paint: What Works Best for Home Owners?

Home Owners

Investing in the right type of furniture, light fixtures, and everything else that makes the interior of your house glamorous is important, but nothing will look right if your walls are dull. Now, what you use for your walls – wallpaper or paint, will have a huge impact on the overall design, and thus it is crucial to decide wisely.

The entire color theme of any house depends on what is on the walls. Also, keep in mind that if you choose poorly, you will be staring at it every day for a very long time. To help you avoid any such mistakes, here we have discussed a few factors that will help you decide what will be better – wallpaper or paint. So, let’s start…


Wallpaper vs. Paint


The cost of both wallpaper and paint will vary depending on the quality you choose. However, still there is a certain difference. Generally, designer gold wallpapers are expensive compared to paint, and thus most homeowners prefer to paint. However, if you compare the maintenance expenses and durability, you will find that installing wallpaper makes much more sense. Now, this brings us to our second point.


Yes, the initial cost of wallpapers is higher, but they are worth it since they can last up to 15 years. Paint on the other hand can get dirty and damaged easily, and usually will satisfy your aesthetic needs for only 5 years or so.

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home Owners


Most homeowners think that wallpapers get damaged easily. Well, yes they are not immune to peel or tear, but if you have invested in good-quality wallpapers, this will not happen frequently. Besides, you can always have some spare rolls of wallpaper installed, and take care of the touchups easily.

On the other hand, paint is likely to get damaged more easily. To keep it in good shape, experts advise you to go for a touch-up every 2 to 3 years.


Unlike paint, wallpapers cannot be used in every room. For instance, it is not advised to use wallpaper in rooms like the kitchen or bathroom. If wallpapers are used in these damp areas, they can get damaged easily. Nevertheless, when it comes to areas that you want to highlight, like your entrance corridor, living room, dining area, bedroom, etc. nothing will work like wallpapers. After all, there are countless designs and color options available.

Installation Time:

Paint usually takes around 2 to 7 days, depending on the size of the room, and the layers required. Also, if you wish to have creative patterns done, it will take longer. On the other hand, wallpapers can be installed in just a day or two, even if the room size is big.

Overall Appearance

Both wallpapers and paint look equally good when used effectively. However, creating certain patterns with colors becomes impossible. On the other hand, with digital printing creating even the newest textures on wallpaper is possible and easy.

Is Choosing one Necessary?

To conclude it can be said that why select one when you can use both to create an excellent interior design? Also, any experienced interior designer will recommend using both, depending on the requirement of the room.

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