Work Amidst Nature and Reduce Stress by Turning to Garden Offices

Earlier many companies never understood the importance of working from home, but thankfully due to the pandemic, this has become a boon for companies. If you are one of the lucky ones to work from home, then why not invest in a garden office? If you have a shed or work area surrounded by a garden, you can easily turn it into a garden office.


Garden Offices Offer a Peace of Mind

The popularity of garden offices is such that you can easily find companies who might be offering such services for you. You just need to find one that fits your requirements. Of course, you need to think about your budget too.

Work Amidst Nature
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There are many credible companies out there such as the Surrey Hills garden company that can help convert your old sheds or small spaces into beautiful garden offices. These offices offer the perfect distraction from your boring work schedule. Whenever you feel like taking a break from your system, you can easily stroll outside your office and clear your head.

Garden offices are a wonderful choice if you are freelancing or planning to open a small business. You can design them as per your preference ranging from a simple room to a lavish one depending on your budget. These offices are a wonderful option if you have toddlers or pets who might interrupt you while in meetings.

If you have a huge space, you can even install a small kitchen for your tea or lunch breaks. This avoids the hassle to commute to and fro to the main house. You can even partition a small portion of your walls to create a small washroom.

Maintain the Perfect Work-Life Balance

Working from home has its pros and cons. While the pros outweigh the cons, you cannot completely ignore them. If you have too many people in your home using the Wi-Fi, you might find your meetings with clients or peers getting interrupted frequently. Secondly, if any of your family members too are working from home, there can be clashes in your meeting schedules, leading to a lot of chaos.

Here is where having garden offices away from your main home can save the day. You no longer have to get disturbed while on calls. The added benefit is peace of mind.

Some of the other benefits of having garden offices include:

  • Saves on commuting time
  • Staying in touch with Nature
  • Improved Mental health
  • Value addition to your property
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time with your family
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One of the greatest advantages of having a garden office is it helps save you commuting time. You no longer have to get up early to beat the rush hour. Secondly, you are contributing to the environment by saving on fuel and reducing the carbon footprint.

Having garden offices ensures that your room has proper ventilation. Staying in enclosed rooms for longer periods can affect the way you work. Breathing in the fresh air can improve your dopamine levels, thereby improving your moods and reducing stress.

In the future, if you do plan to sell your property, these offices can become a good value addition to your home. Many real estate agents believe that these offices can fetch up to 5% to 8% of the value of your home.

Having a garden office ensures that you get to spend more time with your family. If your office is located elsewhere, you get less tempted to open up your laptop and check important emails. This will also help improve relationships in your family, especially if they have been complaining about your long working hours.


Garden offices are here to stay and this would be an ideal time to build one for yourself. You can customize these spaces without spending huge on them.

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