Things to Be On a Lookout for in Your Home This Summer

Things to Be On a Lookout for in Your Home

As every homeowner probably told you at some point, having a house is equal measure a blessing and a curse. Having to deal with all kinds of issues about your house seems like a never-ending chore. And each season has its own set of challenges.

There are heavy rains in the fall, snow and ice in the winter and even spring can be finicky with rain and wind. That leaves summer as the potentially only stabile and calm season. Or so it seems at first. After talking to home improvement professionals at Nu Look Home Design, we discovered that summer does have its own set of challenges and things you should be on a lookout for. Here are some of the most common ones.


Check Your Windows and Doors

Home This Summer

You might be surprised at how much air conditioning you need to cool your home. If your doors and windows aren’t weather-sealed properly, a lot of the cooled off air may seep outside causing you to waste more energy cooling your home again.

So, this summer, make sure that all of the doors and windows are properly sealed and that they won’t cause you unnecessary expenses in terms of extra electricity spent.

Have Your Roof Inspected

Warm air rises, and the same applies to your home. The warm air from your home should be dissipated by your roof and vented out into the world. However, if your roof is having some issues, like poor ventilation, chances are that the hot air will be retained in your attic and that will slow down the heat transfer, making it harder to cool your home.

Another thing you should particularly be wary of in the summer is asphalt roof cracking. Asphalt shingles, more than other types of roof, can be prone to cracking in the heat of the sun. And while that might not be an issue during the hot days, if it rains (and you know those summer downpours), your roof might leak and cause all kinds of problems with water damage, mold, and even structural damage if left unchecked.

See also  The Importance Of Spring Air Conditioner Maintenance

Take Care of Your Plants

You should pay special attention to your plants during the summer heat since they get very thirsty. By adding 2 – 3 inches of mulch to your planting bed, you will help the soil retain water longer. As a result of this eco-friendly gardening tip, your plant will not only look good during the summer, but you will also reduce your utility costs.

Regularly trimming your grass will also increase your curb appeal. The paths and walkways on your property should also be weeded because little plants can grow from the cracks and your property will not look neat.

Pool Maintenance

Astatic Lullaby

For obvious reasons, pools get a lot of use during the summer months. If you have one in your backyard, you probably already know that. You also probably know that pools do require a lot of maintenance, especially with heavy use.

The safety and cleanliness of your pool depends on regular maintenance. Make sure the pool pumps and vacuums are working properly. Keep an eye on the chlorine level on a regular basis as well. Replacing or even repairing a pool can be very expensive, so take care to maintain yours, and make it last as long as possible.

Keeping your home in top condition in the summer may seem like a complicated and difficult thing to do, but if you do these tasks, not only will your home be safe and pleasant to be in for much longer, it will also maintain a lot more of its value.

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